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Easy houseplants anyone can handle

Finding plants has never been this easy. With big retailers stocking common and rare species alike, first-time buyers can easily pick up various plants. But at what cost?

If you want to add houseplants into your life but haven't had much success previously, I have some easy-care selections that you can bring home today.

Sansevieria (Snake Plant)

This beauty is both structural and hardy. Initially a landscaper's dream, these versatile species have become an everyday favourite for plant lovers due to their easy care requirements.

Heartleaf Philodendron

The easiest trailing plant is both a fast-grower and less prone to pests than other more rare varieties. This beauty can be used as a filler to create lots of greenery or act as a signature plant on bookshelves.

ZZ Plant

She is known as the 'no-kill' plant. You'd have to have a severe black thumb to get this one wrong. These slow growers are readily available small or large, and will immediately acclimate to low light environments.

Chinese Evergreen

These beauties offer more variegated foliage without the additional care requirements and look great in table-top planters as accessory plants.


The original houseplant has made a revival since the 70s and is probably readily available at nurseries and retail stores at mass. This plant offers beautiful leaves that transform any living space.

Ponytail Palm

These cuties offer perfect windowsill wholeness and are the ideal match for a fun platter pot. Give them full sun and water every other week, and they will thrive.

Think there is something on this list for you? Let us know in the comments!

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Sep 27, 2022

Hi Tegan, I have the same plant as the one next to your left arm in the picture above, I want to propagate it and need some advice on how to do this, where to do the cut and how not to harm the plant. Would you be willing to share a couple of tips?

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